In recent years, many frameworks have been developed for the JavaScript programming language, and most of these frameworks have been able to show good output. One of these frameworks is called Angular, which was developed by Google and is very suitable for creating high-performance, professional front-end.
Introduction to Angular
Here I am going to introduce you to some of this lovely framework.
Angular is known as a platform and framework for creating SPA or single-page websites using HTML and TypeScript. The architecture of an Angular application depends on certain basic concepts.
Angular is one of the most popular and widely used JavaScript frameworks, which is very popular in the field of JavaScript programming. This framework is written with TypeScript, which means that if you want to learn Angular, you need to learn TypeScript first.
What is Angular?
Angular is a front-end website creation framework that includes a large number of JavaScript libraries, which may have been developed by thousands of people. Form your opinion.
What is a framework?
As mentioned above, a framework includes a large number of different libraries, but what you need to know is that these libraries are put together with a special architecture to form the main framework.
Angular advantages
Angular is an open-source framework maintained and developed by Google. This library helps you to easily build and manage SPA websites, as well as more structured and easier-to-manage code.
The main advantages of using Angular in web applications are as follows:
- Angular is a structured framework based on the MVC model.
- Angular creates a virtual DOM that greatly speeds up the loading of data from JavaScript into HTML.
- Due to its specific structure, it is used by companies with large teams.
- You can easily write the test in Angular unit, so Angular is a great choice.
- It has strong support from Google and global developers.
- Features such as dependency injection, routing, animation, facade encapsulation and more are available by default in Angular
- Angular is an integrated and structured framework for building SPA websites.
- And...
Angular Learning Prerequisites
In order to be able to start working with Angular, you must first know how to type a script (you can use the Rocket Typing Tutorial to learn typing), and to learn typing, you need to know JavaScript well first (to learn Complete JavaScript You can use the JavaScript learning step in Rocket), only then can you start learning Angular.
If you do not have a good understanding of JavaScript and then typing script, do not start learning Angular because after a while the learning process will be discouraged and you will definitely skip Angular learning.
Angular training course topics
The most basic part of working with Angular and learning Angular is installing and launching a project based on Angular, in this section we will teach you in detail what is needed to start a project.
Familiarity with the basics
What are the issues like Angular in this part of Angular training? What is Comonte? What is appMoudule? And we will explain some of the basic Angular topics.
Communication in components
Components in Angular are able to talk to each other, you can transfer information from father to child or vice versa from child to child between different components in an Angular project.
Work with directive
directive acts exactly like attrbiute in HTML, suppose you can create a set of properties for HTML elements that act on the element on the page.
life cycle
Angular has a system called life cycle that allows you to take action at some stage in the execution of a component.
For example, when creating a component, send an http request to your api, or save an information if a value is updated in the component.
In this section, I will introduce you to the different methods of the life cycle in Angular. Proper and practical life cycle learning is very useful in making learning and using Angular easier.
Todo project
The todo project allows us to examine the different components of angular in different ways so that you can better and more accurately apply the different angular instances we have learned so far.
Familiarity with services
You can create a service for anything in Angular. These services help you a lot in managing the code as well as expanding and making the code readable.
Working with forms
The Angular Form Module can help us to create and better manage forms. In this section, I will teach you the Angular Forms in a detailed and practical way.
And ...
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Duration: 12:17:16
Number of sessions: 92
Course price: 70$
Last update: 2022/1/10
Hossein Taghipour
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