Ever since various JavaScript frameworks were released, many developers have always thought that there could be a more comprehensive yet simpler choice for developing the front-end layer. This continued until VuJias was developed and all issues were resolved with the release of Vue.JS. ViewGlass is an MVV or Model-View-Viewmodel JavaScript framework that helps you develop application user interfaces and speeds up the process of building single-page applications.
Voyages was developed by Evan You in 2014. This software engineer was one of the main people who developed the Angular framework in the years before the development of VOGS at Google. The main idea of creating VogueGas was to bring all the functional features of Angular into a lighter package and reduce the complexity of its development. I must say that in recent years it has been well proven that this project has been very successful.
Currently, to learn other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React, you need to learn additional topics such as typing script, JSX, etc., but since Viogias has tried to be as simple as possible, you only need to know in the learning process. Relate to HTML / CSS / JS.
Many companies are already using VOGS to develop their front-end layer, and I have to admit that we also use this framework to develop the front-end layer at Rocket's training website. But first, let's get a closer look at what VogueGS is.
What is Vue.JS?
According to the documentation on the website, the Vuejs framework is a progressive framework for creating application interfaces and single-page applications. In ViewGames you can see almost all the features available in React and Angular frameworks, but with a simpler way to develop. The framework specially focuses solely on its View layer, making it much easier to integrate with other libraries and tools. Viogias is currently used in simple and basic projects to advanced and complex projects, and this is thanks to the modularity of Viogias. Many libraries and development tools have been created for VOGIs, which extends its breadth.
Having active developers and programming associations in the field of Viogias helps you to deal well with various problems and never tolerate an unsolvable problem. On the other hand, with its recent updates, VOGIs also gives you the ability to develop mobile applications. Of course, evolving this requires more time and work.
Is Vue a Library or a Framework?
To understand whether Vue is a library or a framework, you must first become somewhat familiar with the definition of each.
A collection of code used for a specific purpose.
A collection of libraries that come together with a specific architecture.
When you read the definition of either, you will quickly see the difference. But with this definition, do we learn to work with a library or framework during the Vue.js training course?
The answer to this question is that Vue alone is a simple library to create the look of a website, but when combined with other libraries you can use it to create a complete SPA website.
For example, you will need different libraries to create different routes, such as a real website, or for the time you want to connect with the Back-End, and these libraries, along with Vue, will help you create a SPA website.
What are the prerequisites for learning this course?
To learn this course, you will first need to be well acquainted with the basic topics of website design. This will also include learning HTML / CSS / JS. Fortunately, we have prepared all of these for you on the Rocket Training website, most of which are free.
Why learn vue.js from Rocket Collection?
At Rocket, we have tried to teach you the Vue.js library in a complete and practical way to make SPA websites easier.
In addition to teaching most of the topics in this library with various examples, we try to be by your side throughout the learning process and help you solve your questions and problems if you have any questions or problems.
Who is this special course for?
This course is suitable for people who want to enter the modern field of web design knowledge. At the moment, no company will be willing to hire you with just a knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS in a great job position, which is why you need to learn a variety of other related topics. VioGS will be a great choice for your future career.
What will you learn in this course?
Introduction and full launch of Vue.js
Working with lists in ViewGames and event management
Working with different components and different styles in ViewGames
Implement various projects to learn VJGs in action
Work with filters
Meet and work with Mixin
And many other things that you can get acquainted with by watching this training course.
Buy course
Duration: 15:18:52
Number of sessions: 128
Course price: 85$
Last update: 2022/1/7
Hossein Taghipour
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